
Saturday, July 11, 2020

Ferrymead Heritage Park.

Hi everyone,

We went to Ferrymead Heritage Park and I got to ride on the train and the tram. The train I went on is actually called a a rail car. 

When we arrived at Ferrymead, we got admission tickets to get into town. We walked about until we reached the tram  stop. The tram brought us around town. The town is an old fashioned town with a bank, jail, school, church, bakery, cinema and shops. 

 After the tram ride, we walked to the train station to get tickets for a ride on the rail car.

We also went the mini train display.  When we push the red button on the wall, the mini trains went around the tracks. It was amazing.

I enjoyed myself very much and my favourite part of this visit is looking at the mini trains and tram ride. 

Thursday, July 9, 2020

International Antarctic Centre

Hello everyone,

Today mum and I went to The International Antarctic Centre while  John went to mush the huskies.  

We started with the Hagglund ride. It is a special vehicle that can climb steep hills and rough terrain. The ride was very bumpy but I enjoyed it. 

Then we watched the keeper feed the penguins. The penguins shiver when they are hot but I shiver when I am cold. The penguins were fed little fish. I like to see the penguins swim in the water. 

This was followed by watching a 4D  movie [The Small Foot]. The theatre had  special effects  like snow storm, water spray and the seats shook during the exciting parts. 

I also went to pat and had my photo taken with a husky. Its fur is so soft and the huskies were so gentle.  

After that we went to the Storm Dome. It was so cold [-18'c] and I only lasted a few minutes in there. 

We also went to the Antarctic Gallery where I  learnt the about the food chain; 
krill <---gets eaten by---> penguin <---gets eaten by ---> seal <---gets eaten by---> killer  whale.
Mum and I ate at  the cafe while waiting for John to finish his programme. I enjoyed myself very much today and my favourite part was the Hagglund ride.


Monday, July 6, 2020

Sunday, July 5, 2020

About blogs

Hi everyone 

I did a blog scavenger hunt on Lukas from Rawhiti school and compared with my own blog. 

What I have learnt about blogs today is that blogs show 
1. URL/ Blog links 
2. How many visitors 
3  Who left the last comment 
4. Labels 

I also noticed my blog didn't  show where the visitors are from. The 'About Me' section is empty in both blogs.